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Syrian Christians Fear Persecution During Turkey Offensive

As the Turkish military and its allied Syrian rebels continue their operation against U.S.-backed Kurdish forces in northeast Syria, Christian communities in the region fear that the Turkish-led offensive is threatening their very existence in the war-torn country.

On the first day of the Turkish offensive, which began on Wednesday, a Turkish artillery attack reportedly targeted a predominately-Christian neighborhood in Qamishli, the largest city in northeast Syria.  

According to local sources, Ayeda Habsono and her husband, Fadi, were severely wounded in the attack that hit their house. Several other residents were also wounded.

On Friday, the Virgin Lady Church in the town of Qahtaniya, near Qamishli, was also hit by Turkish shelling, local news said. Parts of the building were destroyed.

Constant fear

Hadeel Oueis, a Washington-based journalist who has family members living in northeast Syria, says that her Christian relatives have been living in constant fear.  

“My family in Syria now lives in panic. For them, this Turkish assault is an existential threat,” she told VOA.

She added that churches in Qamishli and elsewhere in northeast Syria have been ringing their bells, alarming locals of the ongoing Turkish military operations.

“Many of my female Christian friends and classmates were kidnapped by ISIS, but now people are even more afraid from what would happen now if Turkey invaded our areas,” Oueis, said using an acronym for the Islamic State (IS) terror group.

During its rise in 2014, IS abducted thousands of women and young girls of religious minorities such as Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq. Many those women were used as sex slaves by IS militants.

Among the Turkish-backed rebels who are participating in the ongoing offensive in northeast Syria are many Islamist groups who have committed abuses against civilians elsewhere in Syria, according to international rights groups.

U.S. Christian groups criticizing Trump’s move

The Turkish-led offensive was launched days after U.S. President Donald Trump ordered U.S. troops to withdraw to allow Turkish forces to carry out the operation.

Trump’s decision has drawn criticism from many in the U.S., including influential Christian figures who said that the move would put the lives of thousands of civilians at risk.

Some evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham, President of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, considered Trump’s decision a threat to religious freedom in Syria.

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