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UK’s Johnson Pushes Trump Back on Trade War

U.S. President Donald Trump is in Biarritz, France for the G-7 summit where his first order of business Sunday was a working breakfast with new British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, whom the American president once referred to as “Britain’s Trump”.

“He’s going to be a fantastic prime minister,” said Trump, adding that Johnson “needs no advice” on Brexit and that he’s “the right man for the job”. 

“It didn’t make your predecessor very happy, but I’ve been saying it for a long time,” Trump added, referring to Theresa May who resigned over her failure to deliver Brexit, Britain’s exit from the European Union

Johnson responded, “You’re on message there. I’m very grateful for that”.

But Johnson pushed Trump back on the issue of free trade after the American leader, responding to a reporter’s question, said that allies are not pressuring him to stop the trade war with China.

“No, not at all,” said Trump, “I think they respect the trade war, it has to happen”.

Johnson then congratulated Trump on the American economy, but added, “Just to register the faint sheep like note of our view on the trade war, we’re in favor of trade peace on the whole.”

Trump appeared visibly uncomfortable with the push-back.

First meeting 

This was the first formal meeting between the two leaders since Johnson took over from his predecessor. British and American officials have billed the meeting as an opportunity for stronger ties between the two nations. 

The relationship between these traditional allies has been marked by tension since Trump took office and gave his support for Brexit.

Johnson is pushing for a post-Brexit bilateral trade deal. In the meeting he pitched for access to American market, for British products, including pork pies.

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