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Tunisia: Post-Debate Handshake Hailed as Pro-Democracy Sign

A media mogul and a former law professor who are vying to be Tunisia’s next president sparred during a televised debate over how to fight terrorism and poverty.

Then the two candidates cordially shook hands, an act Tunisian voters are celebrating as a sign that the democracy built on their country’s 2011 Arab Spring uprising is on the right track.

Tycoon Nabil Karoui and professor Kais Saied are competing in a runoff presidential election on Sunday. Neither has held political office before.

Karoui promised during Friday night’s debate to combat extremist acts by tackling poverty. He said he would pursue investments from companies like Google and Netflix.

Saied promised to give struggling provinces and young people more power.

Both men said Tunisia should work to bring peace to neighboring Libya.

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