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Hong Kong Protesters Brace For More Violence in Yuen Long Rally

Updated 6:14 a.m., July 27, 2019

HONG KONG — Police in riot gear fired tear gas Saturday at Hong Kong protesters marching through a town near the Chinese border to rally against suspected gangs who beat up pro-democracy demonstrators there last weekend.

Images broadcast on television stations showed repeated rounds of tear gas being fired at the crowds in Yuen Long after tense standoffs with protesters, some of whom were throwing projectiles at police.

Protesters vowed to take to the streets in Yuen Long despite the threat of violence by gangs and a police ban on the demonstration. Police had warned that demonstrators would be breaking the law if they marched.

Protesters line up inside an MTR station in the Yuen Long district of Hong Kong, July 27, 2019, before an expected protest march in the afternoon.

The gangs were accused of beating and bloodying customers, journalists and a lawmaker at the Yuen Long rail station on Sunday July 21, leaving 45 people with injuries, some severe.

The march’s organizer, Yuen Long resident Max Chung, said it was important for Hong Kongers to stand against what he termed a terrorist attack and against a government that has seemed more concerned with silencing democracy protesters. 

Residents “think police aren’t protecting them anymore,” Chung said in an interview Friday. Before, “none of us had any plan to hold protest in Yuen Long, but they started to intimidate us.” His appeal to hold the march was denied.

Many young protesters spent Friday night buying safety equipment such as helmets, thick gloves and protective padding; the better to withstand police who may use batons and rubber bullets.

Protesters gather in Yuen Long district in Hong Kong, July 27, 2019. Crowds of Hong Kong protesters defied a police ban and gathered in a town near the Chinese border to rally against suspected gangs who beat up pro-democracy demonstrators there.

Some said they would go to Yuen Long to protect the residents or each other. Most everyone anticipated clashes with police. But they didn’t know what the plan would entail beyond marching.

“For me, going inside of Yuen Long is a way of telling them we are not afraid. Terror is an important method for gangsters, for controlling society,” says Brian, a 21-year-old undergraduate who lives in a nearby town. Most young people will not disclose their full name out of concerns of retribution. “We have to show the terrorists we aren’t afraid of them.”

People demonstrate outside the police station during a protest against the Yuen Long attacks in Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong, July 27, 2019.

Hong Kong is facing its worst political crisis since its handover to China in 1997. After millions of people marched twice in June against an extradition bill, now suspended, that would have permitted criminal suspects to be sent to China, many residents turned their ire on the police. 

The force has used tear gas and rubber bullets twice against protesters who did little more than defy their orders with their bodies, umbrellas and plastic bottles. Clashes have left scores injured.

The Reuters news agency reported on Friday that Li Jiyi, the director of the Central Government Liaison’s local district office in Yuen Long, urged guests at a July 11 community banquet for hundreds of villagers to thwart democracy protesters. According to a recording of the event, Li appealed to those who attended to protect their towns in the Yuen Long district and to rebuff anti-government activists, the news agency said.

Local news reports said Yuen Long residents stockpiled food on Friday, while some residents left Hong Kong altogether, to brace for potential clashes at protests against mob violence at the district’s subway station a week earlier. Shops and public sports facilities were expected to close early and other services such as a clinic were expected to be shuttered. 

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